Thursday, October 16, 2008

Feeding yourselves

We all are hungry in our own respective ways. Creatively there may be a void in our lives that the corporate world could never fulfill, so we act and we create art. Literally we have a hunger that has to be fed 3 times a day. Is that the same with our creative hunger? Do we ingest art three times a day? Or for some of us do we need less? It's an interesting balance between being an artist and also trying to make a living. The term make a living is interesting in itself. We usually take the word living as something very organic, but in reality when we do create life it usually comes from a conscious decision to make babies. Well those of us who are lucky to avoid unforeseen pregnancies. But to make a living signifies consciously compiling/earning resources for one's survival. Then to do so as an artist. Then to do so from the work of being an artist. Yes that's the ticket! That's the goal right? Well all said and done I think we all can agree that being rich already makes it a lot easier to create art, at the very least devote one's time to art. But how do the meager continue on? Through balance. Through sacrifice is more likely the case. The artist seems to me more hungry for love, recognition and individuality than the average person. We are extraordinary people, but many of us never fully get around to developing our extraordinary facets.

So what's the point? What's the point of this blog? Exactly. What is your point? You don't necessarily have to have a written answer, but you need to have a sense of direction. You need to have a sense of measuring progress and defining this progress as a measure of your self worth and self esteem. We are all hungry. But are we feeding ourselves in all the ways we should? I feel like we are all able to see it so clearly the path of righteousness for others, but we are unwilling to take that same path. Because there is a gap, a fence between words and actions. This gap takes bravery. This gap requires persistence to be overcome. This gap is an obstacle that will always be there and will never be completely filled. But with each temporary bridge that is built, it becomes easier to follow the same blueprint. Life is full of earthquakes. But we rebuild. We are humans. We'll be here for a while. Start building that bridge.

Stop thinking and talking about it and there is nothing that you will not be able to know. - Zen paradigm

It's easy to focus on the hunger. It's also easy to focus on the food that seems so out of reach. But once you learn to cook 1 meal, 2 meals, 1 million meals, yes you will always be hungry everyday but you will have the knowledge and experience to feed yourself. Others will not have to feed you. They can. And you can feed them. But learn how to feed yourself and you'll never go hungry.

Do what you want--what's required. For your own happiness. Take the risks. How does it sit with you? Are you happy going along this path? If not then reexamine. You have options. Nothing is a done deal. Make a choice, commit to your decision and then evaluate. Move forward.


Scottie Saturn said...

thats some great advice brian. i think we can all strive for healthier creative meals.

Daniele Watts said...
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Daniele Watts said...

i think that the artist is no more "hungry for love, recognition and individuality than the average person"

however,i think that as actors/artists we are charged with the demand to explore our hunger more than the average person. i love that about us-- the honesty and truth that we strive for-- demands that we rigorously investigate those facets of our humanity-- that we push ourselves to explore areas that are uncomfortable, and yes, that requires bravery...

but what is there really to be afraid of...? and why does that seem to matter so much to so many people? i hope we can continue to push ourselves to investigate both our hunger-- and our fear...

we're starving, but the food is laid out before us.. we have only to pick up the fork-- and stab.