Sunday, October 19, 2008

developing our extraordinary facets

Good Morning everyone. Or good evening to those who either stay up late like me or are just seeing this on a fine Sunday evening. I must say, this last meeting we had was wonderful. I felt all of us really challenging one another and allowing our walls to slowly come down one by one. I feel that I really 'saw' most of you last week. I saw real people underneath all that thinking and talking and fear, we all as human beings bring to the table. I saw us take a huge step onto that bridge of balance and awakening. In the words of a wise member, last week we began to make 'sacrifices that will inevitably lead us to discover and develop all of our extraordinary facets.'

I love this idea- this need to overcome the gap or void in our lives- this gap that's full of words and thoughts but no real actions. I really believe that what we are doing is SO BRAVE. Yes, people will read all about our goals and jump at the idea of being a part of it, but like most of us have already witnessed, it's VERY SCARY. It's scary to try to overcome these obstacles and fears that we create for ourselves in our often poisonous thoughts. And we will create any excuse to stop the voices and insecurities from taking over our thoughts. We will throw away and turn our backs on people and things that can take us to the next level of balance and beauty and real freedom.

I think freedom is the key to finding this balance, to bridging that gap. But what does it really mean to be free? And why do we constantly deprive ourselves of it? Is it because we are afraid to be judged? Afraid of the consequences? Afraid of really finding out who we are and what we care about? Why do we allow ourselves to run away from ourselves?

Only the free can look in the mirror and see themselves. Only the free can see something new and different and explore it before judging it. Only the free can expose themselves to strangers and not be hand-cuffed by thoughts and insecurities. But the free cannot walk alone. And the bridge to freedom cannot be built by one. I want to find that freedom. I want to be able to really let go and dive into the deep pool of uncertainty. I want to fly high above my thoughts. And I trust that you all want the same. I trust that I can count on you to hold my hand on this journey. I trust that one day we will all be free, not only as actors and artists, but as people.

I'll be seeing you all soon. :)


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